What To Expect
Parking & Entering
When you come to NewLife Church, there are 3 entrances into the main parking lot: Scottsville Road, Oliver Street, & Newton Avenue. There is a smaller lot off Oliver Street, with handicap/stroller access.
From the Main lot, look for the awning with the “Main Entrance” sign & enter in the main doors at the top of the steps. From the Oliver Street lot, look for the awning with “the Cafe” sign & follow the sidewalk up to the door.
On Sunday mornings & Wednesday nights, if you have children, ages 0-12, you can use the “Student Life Center” entrance off the main parking lot to enter & check them into the area for their age group.
Where to Go & What to Do
When you come inside, you will be greeted with smiling faces! You will immediately see our Welcome Center & Main Auditorium.
We would love to meet you & give you a gift, either before or after service, in the Welcome Center.
When you’re ready, you can head into the Main Auditorium & find a seat; there are ushers available if you need assistance finding a seat.
There are children’s services available at each of our services.
Sunday Morning | Ages 0 - 12
Sunday Night | Ages 0 - 5
Wedesday Night | Ages 0 - 18
Additional Services | Ages 0 - 5
If you enter in the Student Life Auditorium, you will be greeted by our Children’s Check-in team to assist you. If you enter in the Main Entrance, take a left towards the Connector Hallway & another left to find yourself at the Children’s check-in.
Sunday Mornings
9:30am | The Place
A pre-service time of worship & prayer designed for a time to seek God in unity.
10:10am | Service
Our weekly Sunday morning gathering celebrating the coming together of the body of Christ to worship the Lord, hear His Word, & leave transformed. There is Children’s ministry for ages 0 - 12.
Sunday Night
6:00pm | Service
Weekly evening service with worship & dynamic messages. There is Children’s ministry for ages 0 - 5.
Wednesday Nights
6:30pm | Life Groups
In the main sanctuary there are tables set-up to host life groups. There are groups for everyone: women, men, couples, young couples, & Spanish speaking. On campus, there is also services for children, ages 0 - 12, youth, ages 13 - 18, & young adults, ages 18 - 25.